Wednesday, June 9, 2010

get a life..

nak kata kesian, mmg kesian.  menyampah pun ada.  entah lah.  cinta dan sayang boleh membuatkan seseorang tuh gila dan meroyan tak tentu pasal kan? hehe.  i hope i dont go to that extend should i ever fell in love and broken hearted... again.  i hd bad experienced once, hehe... i think it was 7 years ago.  i was young and fell in love with dat someone.  it was a rather long distance relationship and i thot we had something goin on.  but i was wrong.  DEAD WRONG.  haha. when we're finally broken off, i was really broken hearted.  meroyan.  meracau.  gila.  sebak. sedih. dan entah apa lagi lah.  semuanya negatif energy.  when i think of dat experience, aku rasa sedih ngan diri sendiri.  perhaps i was young but still... i need to control my feelings.  it couldnt be worse than dat.  org lain pun mengalaminya juga and they got thru it easily and maturely.  aku sepatutnya seperti itu. but lucky me, i grew up from that pathetic ordeal.  i became a better man and boleh control feeling when dealing with emosi perasaan sayang.

i wish a good buddy of mine boleh cepat sedar and move on with his life.  its sad to see him suffering and trying to hold on to a relationship dat wont get him anywhere.  puas dan dah berbuih mulut ni bercakap dan menasihat.  tapi... none were taken.  entah lah.  i think he's not thinking mature enough.  terlalu ikutkan sgt emosi dan perasaan sedih nya itu.  terlalu sangat mengharapkan kasih orang.  tak fikir langsung psl diri sendiri.  sad..  very very sad.

i guess im too tired of him.  my advice to him "get a life dude!..  grow up and get a life!" 


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