Sunday, January 13, 2008

men's edition

again i watched Oprah the other nite (more than a couple of nites ago). huhu.. and that episode was special cos it was a MEN'S EDITION! the audience were all males. since it was a guy 'thing' so Oprah decided to be at the back stage and let Dr Oz handled the talking and answering questions. It was an open discussion and that everybody in the audience could ask Dr Oz about anything... anything at all.

some of the information shared :

1. 'pop' - strange but true that your P does 'pop' (sudden short sound like a small explosion). its a rare case though. but when this happen to you, your P might not be able to 'work' like normal and you need to 'fix' it. Dr Oz says your P is like a sausage. dont put much pressure on it cos it'll 'pop'. will it hurt that much?? arghh.

2. circumcise - when Dr Oz asked how many in the audience were circumcised? many put up their hands. Dr Oz says it is a good thing. he also adds that men who are circumcised achieve more pleasure in sex than those who're not. is it? emm.

3. male testicales sizes are always un-even. its normal. so dont worry about it. a regular self-check is recommended. did i check mine regularly?? don't think so. huhu..

4. when erection - men's P will either go to the left or to the right. in this case, Dr Oz's P (when erect) goes to the left (just like that beyonce's song). It is normal if you dont have that straight up 'thingy' going on while you're erected. mine is going to the... emm. hehe. go figure!!

*P refers to male private part!

actually there were other topics too discussed in that episode, but i thot... why dont i just focus on the P issue in today's entry to make it interesting... heh!

1 comment:

Mus The Great said...

hahaha..."to the left" (like beyonce's song) <== HILARIOUS!!!