Wednesday, January 2, 2008


last nite i watched Oprah and the show talked about being happy, joy and gay. the show gets me thinking whether we could choose to be happy all the time? can we just push aside all our sadness and choose to laugh instead of cry?

Oprah was telling the audience that she was devastated when her dog named Sophie was sick and a doctor had adviced her to put Sophie to sleep. On the way home, she cried and a moment later she decided to forget her sorrow and focus on the happy times that she had with Sophie.

what if we lost 'human beings'? would we able to get rid of that sad feeling of losing them in a day or two? i had a hard time dealing with my emotions when i lost my sister who died of leukemia 10 years ago. i blamed ALLAH for letting her died (gila dak??). she was fine and healthy before they had that bone marrow transplant done. my anger and frustration was too much to handle. i always cried when i talked about it. but after a long while, im glad i was over it and accepted the fact that she's gone and no one to be blamed.

you know what? ...sad will always be around us and we can't run away from it. its the facts of lives. i will always try to focus on things that makes me happy. if sad comes, i will let it be and do my best to deal with it.

today im happy!

: )


ukanera arenaku said...

as much as I want to be happy, to be able to feel sad and sorrow to me is a blessing too. it sort of a reality check that we're human and we live in a real world.

really like this posting!

looka80 said...

exactly! i wanted to be able to cry and hv heart-ache too... heh!

Mus The Great said...

You couldnt say it better, miron. So true!