Thursday, November 27, 2008

i quit

its almost half 6. im still in the office. its quite gloomy outside. i bet its raining. i couldnt be bothered to go near the window and take a closer look. heh. i could see clearly from my desk that it is pitch black outside. arghh. whatever lah. im gonna stick a while. do a bit of work and perhaps some internet browsing. huhu. thank god the internet is working fine. 8-)

oh ya. i almost forgot. i have deactivated my fb. no specific reason just cause. haha. but i will have a new one tho'. comin' up soon. just be patience k. few frens have called and texted me asking what happen to my fb? why did i cancel it and stuff like that. emm. honestly, i dont quite comfortable using my 'real-name' on the internet. too many questions were asked about 'SUN' (my full name in short) and i think i've had enough. it sounds stupid but with loads of things going on right now, i think i cant afford to 'explain' where the name came from and shait like that. full-stop. sorry guys. but like i said, i'll come up with a new one. its still under construction. hehe. 8-)

...and one more thing, i wanna quit becoming a 'charity' emcee. huhu. i had contributed my 'service' to few events organised by the company that im working with. i think its time time for me to step down. honestly, i had fun doing it. i had gained lots of experiences and my level of confidence has tremendously developed along the way. my communication skill has somewhat improved and i think its getting better and better. is it? haha. thanks to those who believed in me and gave me that opportunity of a life time. i really appreciate it. i guess i have a change of heart. i dont feel like doing it anymore. it doesnt generate somekind of income to me. so why bother? i should start focusing on my work. cos this is what matters. i'd be evaluated for my job performance and not for some 'charity' tasks that i do. would u agree with me? heh.

while im writing, its 10min after 7. i should stop here. its still raining outside. *sigh*. rain gives me the blues people, and im absolutely feeling 'blue' right now. haha.
i should start packing my stuff, into the rain and drive home. totally!

im outta here babe...


bencoolen80 said...

you should do whatever that make you happy mate. if quitting emceeing makes you happy, then quit. no harm done in it?

Mya said...

ingatkan quit apa tadi. gempar sekejap i.. selamat hari jumaat sham.. :)

looka80 said...

bencoolen - thanks dude. i think i'd be more happier without the 'charity' thing.

mya - saja kasik gempar. salam jumaat to u too dear.

Mat`amiT said...

hang tak takut en tajul dtg merayu ker???

Mya said...

selamat hari raya aidiladha... maaf zahir batin....

Life's Like That said...

bro - where hav u been? been a while.

btw - Salam Eid'ul Adha

Hafez Zahruddin said...

Hmmm... just do whatever makes you happy, ok? But, bear this in mind: every little thing has its own price. Gittew... kann?
FYI, I've included your blog address in my bloggers list. You can check them in my blog, mate!