Sunday, March 16, 2008


salam to all.

sorry la... its been a while since i last posted my entry. hehe. nothing much. just being lazy and quite bz with other stuff.

i was on leave last monday, 10-mac-08. just chilling out at home. was on training on 11 & 12-mac-08 at legend hotel, kl. received bad news about baby opal windixie. our dearest cat at home. he was found dead inside a gutter by a neighbour of ours. according to makcik 'k-po-chi' (2 doors away from ours), baby was found dead by a chinese neighbour. who thought that baby was one of her cats. dia bela bnyk kuching kat umah itew. but since we were not at home, she asked her son to bury baby. other information of whereabout the baby was buried and how he died was not disclosed. huhu.. mcm citer X-File la plak. so, we took the news as it is. baby opal windixie is dead (april 2007 to 12-mac-2008). cian dia..

i'll be away again this Thursday (20/3) to Sunday (23/3). being the emcee for a customer's training hold in Awana Genting Resort. huhu. but mcm tak excited sgt nak pi. ntah ler..

ok. gtg.. loads to do today in the office.

*esok besday e***

1 comment:

Mat`amiT said...

awat hang tak tanya details
walaupn dier tolong tanam
tp tu kan kucing hang