Thursday, January 24, 2008

taking chances

just like celine dion... im taking chances. honestly, i havent heard that song yet. like duggh...!

nways, i think im taking chances and try to transform myself into a better person. well, not that i am hopeless or anything, its just that i think i need to change. couple of days ago, i was the emcee for this event. the event was about transformational. from analog to digital. from zero to one. from old to new. from rag to riches... hehe. the list goes on lah.. anyways, what im trying to say is that im ready to take up chances this year 2008. i want to change. i want to earn more. i want to travel and see the world. i want to start doing work that i love and that is more interesting. i want to see and meet more people. share my visions and missions (over la tuh..).
basically, i want to start evolving and venturing into something new. huhu..

can i do it? yes sir i can... definitely, positively and absolutely.

i dreamt that i was in this place (God knows where-lah..) where it was pouring heavily, it was flooded, cars were washed away by the big strong current waves. i didnt run or take shelter. i was there in the rain and just... doing nothing.

what was the dream all about? i kept thinking about it over and over again. i did ask friends too about it and they say "wahhh... rezeki ko akan bertambah. bagus tuh". yeah right.. like i truely believe that. or is it? emm...

*garu kepala... *


Mus The Great said...

very inspiring...tapi tetap Celine Dion kan!...ahak!

bencoolen80 said...

nothing can stop you dear.N O T H I N G. Just do it, do it, do it..

looka80 said...

mus, i almost bought celine's new cd yesterday but i walked away. thx to you. huhu..

e*** - just do it - just like that nike's tagline! cool.