u can say that im a new kid on the 'blog'. huhu. well, dulu i already had a blog in e-kawan but since there's a limit of posting your words and sentences, i decided to switch to here. start a new one.. why dont i, kan?
my parents are both from perak. my mom klu tak silap, org bota. and my dad is actually org tg tualang. he grew up here. and then lepas diorang kawin, they moved here and there. biasalah cos my dad dulu keje polis. after pencen, we moved to this place called TANJUNG TUALANG. its rather a tranquil small town. dulu tak suka sgt cos kononnyer KG. but now, im lovin' it (mcm mcdonald la pulook).
tau tak katne? its nearby kampar, tronoh mines, bt gajah and malim nawar. and where the hell are these places..? (u might ask?) its in PERAK ler. heh! org perak mugkin tau dan mungkin jgk tidak.
its almost 10 years now my parents live in tg tualang and it will always be my beloved kampung forever and on. huhu.
...but i dont live there. haha. keji tak??
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