Monday, October 29, 2007

rumah terbuka

thanks so much to all the invites. hehe.. mcm ler bnyk sgt undangan pun!

the first invite was to henny's house. (i spelt her name as hanny. sori yek.. salah spelling). on sat'day (27-oct-07) to e*** colleague's house at ss1/10 kelana jaya - arni. smlm, i went to a colleague's house at desa pandan. thanks abg usop cos sudi jemput. ironically, all the above invites were private functions. org2 tertentu jek yg dijemput. rasa sgt bertuah ler di jemput oleh mereka itew... huhu. terima kasih daun keladi.

lepas ni ada dua lagi jemputan, satu di UEM PJ dan KLGCC. this two are more a corporate invitation ler. wajib pegi..

rumah terbuka aku? heh... lom lagi. never crossed my mind to organise one cos i dont hv a place of my own yet. klu ada insya'allah, pasti aku buka umah aku luas-luas. :) semua taruk dan semua masuk!


ukanera arenaku said...

any updates on group keji?

looka80 said...

nah.. its been quiet since secret recipe. entah la. masing2 bz agaknya. :(