year 2007 was (...and still is) not bad after all...
1. work - thank god i have a job. been working with this IT Co. for the past 8 years. huhu. and eventho' it doesnt pay me 'that much'... but im still happy, healthy and 'wealthy' in my own way. movin' on to other organisation? i dont know. i think im gonna stick here for a while... but not in the current 'unit' that i am attached to. i'd love to work with Corp Comm dept. love meeting people, organizing events, writing speeches and buletins and that sort.. hehe! tuh pun klu boss aku sudi nak 'release' aku ke dept itew... we'll just have to wait and see next year ey!
2. family - bless that my parents are still healthy. both of them are in their late 60's. moga-moga diorang dipanjangkan umur dan diberikan kesihatan yang sempurna. insya'Allah. my sibilings and relatives too are fine and in their pink of health. harap semuanya sihat sejahtera hingga next year and a year after that... and a year after that.. SAYANGGGG korang!
3. friends - e***, aj, shah, mitch, alice - my shoulders to cry on for this year and hope will be for the next years to come. you guys are funny, articulate, sporting, sexy, sassy, savvy and softy... haha! we are a league of our own.
4. new friends - badril, mya, amy, sepai, mus - thanks to e*** cos introduced me to these brilliant and interesting bloggers that now has become a part of my life. the story of their lives has intrigued me to read them almost everyday. keep on blogging people! ... and oh ya! these people love to travel too and .. i am looking forward to the next trip with them next year.
5. relationship - no name needed. you know who you are baby! i cherish you every second of my life. you will always be my blueberry muffin, hug-a-bug-a-bear, hotsy patsy pants, cheecky bugger, sweetie pie, sleepy head, cherub, my TLC and god knows what else... haha! i hope our relationship and friendship will last for years on end... totally!
... and the list goes on! cant write them all cos tetiba plak bnyk keje yang menimpa-nimpa kat tepi, blakang, kiri dan kanan aku nih. mencik!!!!
that's it for now.