Friday, June 13, 2008

tummy cram and bloating

its friday and i was on medical leave. i had diarrhea. darn!

it started late last nite. i didnt eat anything since i got home from work yesterday. perhaps because i was too happy that i could start my car and drove home safe? huhu. or perhaps i was just too lazy to go out for dinner.

the only meal that i took yesterday was lunch - nasi putih + sayur + ikan + air kosong. then hisham bought (cheers mate) me vanilla latte and blueberry cheese muffin from coffee bean. that was about 2-ish. from that hour until midnite, i didnt take anything. i only drank plain water.

i had 'gas' in between the hours and i thot that was normal. hehe. i hit the bed at almost 12am. woke up at 1am with a terrible tummy-ache and dashed to the bathroom. the pain was unbearable. sat in the toilet-bowl for almost 15 mins. when it was over, i felt totally weak. quickly i ran down to the kitchen. opened the fridge and hoping there was something to eat but none. shaiit! grabbed a bottle of water and went up to bed. couple of hours later, the ordeal began again, and again. tidaaaak! my housemate was not at home and i was too weak to drive to the clinic. oh God! please make the pain go away. please.. please. Alhamdullilah. it stopped at almost 5-ish. phewww!

i was too knackered and too weak that i passed out. i woke up at almost 8am. still feeling weak but i forced myself and off i went to Klinik KITA. Dr Samad Kandar examined me and said that i had bad stomach cram and bloating. pants!!

he then gave me all sorts of pills for my tummy-ache and granted a one day medical leave. he also told me to quickly grab something to eat. i did as i was told. after that i went home and slept the whole day. i needed the rest.

im feeling much better now. i've learned my lesson. no more skipping breakfast, lunch or dinner. of course i have to eat healthy food-lah. and a lot of exercise too. :-)

its 12:25am and im still wide awake. while typing this entry, im watching my all time favorite movie - the Fifth Elementh. ahaks..

have a great weekend people!


Mat`amiT said...

bahaya btl hang ni br x mkn skali dh pengsan2, hang ada gastrik ka???

looka80 said...

aa - belum tahap gastrik. so semenjak saat dan ketika ini, aku x leh skip bfast lagi dah. hv to eat. huhu.